Just random silly stuffs. It's my silly words, right? I've been thinking about changing the name of the blog, though. Perhaps it'll include the word "thesis"? :P
I probably didn't sleep enough this week. So I felt really slow and sleepy in the morning. I hope a lunch would solve it. It didn't. So I went to the library to find a spot to take a nap. To my surprised, there many people on level 1 and level M. It proves that uni student do study, just like Jack when his mum was in NZ. Certainly, there are many other business students who don't.
It was an unusual thing, though. I don't go to the library much and I don't remember having a nap there. ha. I did feel better after the nap.
On another topic. Last time I was chatting with a friend who lives in a relatively cold city. He said he likes somewhere hot. After some thought, I suggested Okinawa. It's hot and you get Japanese girls as company. It's a paradise. :P
But really, which cities do you think are good places to live (and you haven't lived there)? Sydney and Singapore have long been on my list. People have different opinions and perceptions, though. One friend thought Sydney might be racist and another friend thought Singapore was communist. (Note 1)
I read a news article about a massage therapist talking about her job. I thought hey, my friend J could do that. It's somewhat similar to physiotherapy which he's interested in. And he might get some female clients to request for extra services. :P That's unprofessional but who says he is. :P
Note: Communism might not necessarily be a bad thing. It's an economic ideology. When that friend and I chat. He actually leans towards socialism and I'm towards capitalism. But our actions seem to be the other way around?? But that's another topic.
what other business students? I studied in the library before... and certainly took naps in lib b4... well the intention was to study but somehow always ended up with some nap in between the time I spent there.. :p
btw... I just don't like how singaporian is so obiendent... (well I guess I shouldn't make that stereotype assumption after one movie but...who cares..)
You need freedom to come up with creativity, communism take away that.. while socialism doesn't necessary do so.. (i think.. haha)
我想說不用對號入座,結果 Hari 你跑來搶兩個位子坐... 是怎樣?.. 而且 business student 不是說你.
When I said business students, I really didn't mean you Hari. I knew you studied, at least in the postgrad year. Postgrad courses supposedly require more effort so you must have put in some. Even though MCom is probably still easier to get than other masters. :P
But hey, Jesu got a master's degree too.
我的馬來西亞朋友 *cough* Kenny *cough* 說我們新加坡人是"怕死,怕輸"(用閩南語說). I'm obedient so I don't disagree. :P
OOPS! hahaha
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