Sunday, August 28, 2011



從七月中開始說起,看到 A 公司在人力銀行網站登了廣告,看起來還挺有趣,還說可以在Facebook 線上做個很短的性向測驗,看看你適不適合在他們公司工作。我做的結果,不適合。這什麼嘛?

不過我還是寄出正式的申請,反正不行就算了。廣告上說應徵會經過四個階段,還真長,能通過的機會可能不大吧。沒關係,有看到另一家 P 公司在公司網站寫著招募研發人員,寫的很籠統,但是我覺得很有機會,因為領域和我之前在台灣工作的公司類似,而且還寫說會一些外國語言是優勢,中文是其中一項,而他們也積極想進中文市場。我覺得在奧克蘭的所有軟體公司裡,這是我最有機會進的一家。

結果 A 公司回信,要先做一個線上的測驗,最先有邏輯測驗和數學應用題共一小時,再來性向測驗是問了七十幾題,後面還有一堆雜項比較不重要的測驗。我在家裡做,網路有時候很慢,總共花了我大概三個小時,讓我感覺其實是在考驗耐心。

之前的 Facebook 測驗根本不準,A 公司找我進行下一階段。這次,人事部門的小姐打電話給我談談,了解一下我的背景和經驗。我跟她感覺好像就是在聊天,雖然她的確問了我一些關於我之前求學、工作、甚至移民的事,我不懂他們用什麼方式來判斷通過與否,反正我就是誠懇地聊天囉。

為了準備應徵 P 公司,特地翻了以前工作的紀錄,看看自己以前做了些什麼,也研究 P 公司到底做些什麼,跟前公司有哪些類似。我修改履歷表,也花了功夫寫一篇不一樣的 cover letter  , 特別寫得比較深入,凸顯我有相關的經驗。好不容易把這亮麗的一篇寄出去。

八月初,A 公司找我進行第三階段,到了第三階段總算要進到他們的辦公室,要去當場重做第一階段的線上測驗的第一個小時的部分,避免前次是作弊通過的。考試之後要和人事部門經理面試。另一邊,P 公司也回信說去他們公司跟研發部的最高主管面試,變成我連續兩天去兩家公司面試。我認為 P 公司比較有機會,雖然後來研究一下發覺他們公司的方向和我之前公司做的很不同,幾乎像是學術研究,雖然表面都是同一個主題。不論如何,我覺得我之前的經驗比較有可能被看重,而且這家的應徵流程也直接多了。

週四在 A  公司,重新考試沒問題,跟人事部經理又是聊天,聊得更深,談了我的過去和為什麼選這個職位,他也解釋了這個公司的研發團隊大家的合作方式。週五在 P 公司,明顯得話不投機,他們找的比較像是人工智慧、data mining 方面的博士,主管她本身就是。我這個想應徵品管測試的人並不符合。嗯,你們徵才廣告沒這樣寫,所以我來了嘛。

原本覺得機會比較低的 A 公司居然繼續找我去,這次第四階段去和兩個研發部門的主管面試,先是拿一個應用軟體的畫面來模擬討論如何測試畫面上的功能,之後又是聊天,大家都好奇我為什麼應徵測試人員而不是程式開發人員,也要我說說我履歷上換了幾次的工作職位和學位。結束前也趕著問我一些好像他們面試時固定要問的問題,我只記得有問我為什麼選擇他們公司,我說離家近!哈!


八月中,人事部門的小姐打電話來說他們要做 reference check,要兩個推薦人。結果我又有事做了,因為我的其中一個推薦人是我碩士論文的指導教授,他出國了,年底才回來,無法電話聯絡,要再找另一個推薦人 。一番折騰後發現,副指導教授也同時出國大半年。還好在 Tessie 也要出國的幾天前,我找了 Tessie 當了我的推薦人。之前我們做中文電台上的交通安全宣導節目她是我們的隊長,所以就這樣請她幫忙。其實這可能是最好的結果,似乎他們還談了滿多,因為Tessie 很認識我所以能講得夠廣泛夠清楚,應該很有說服力,Tessie 又很會應對所以一定也都推薦優點,真的是幫了大忙!

我被錄取了,我去 A 公司上班了。


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Trail Running Extravaganza. Riverhead Forest

Ray and I went to a trail running event called Trail Running Extravaganza on Saturday 20th August. It was at Riverhead Forest. Ray ran the 9km medium course. I ran the 4km short course.

The trail was muddy at places. There were a few times that my feet were stuck to the mud and I had to pull them out with a lot of effort. In fact, Ray said that he once pulled his leg up and found his foot was out of the shoe and the shoe was stuck in the mud. Our shoes were covered and soaked with mud when we finished the run. [I should put a picture here. I will post it later]

The track I ran is shown on the map in this link.

It was a fun event instead of a competitive event. A theme was to dress up in 80s retro outfit. Some participants did dress up. There were a few men wearing the short shorts, not the type for running. I think they were called stubbies shorts. The runner who got the most attention was a lady who wore a vibrant two-piece. She looked great and she won the best retro outfit prize. And she ran the shortest time for all participants of the 9km course. Ray says now he doesn't believe in having the best gears. The lady is a proof that you can wear an outfit that's not designed for running and still run faster than everybody else. :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Aotea 廣場的台灣夜市

前兩天週五週六在 Aotea Square 有個台灣的夜市。現在這些亞洲食物在奧克蘭已經比較常見,沒那麼稀奇了。週五下午去逛的時候我看到最特別的事情是居然是 Hone Harawira ,他是離開毛利黨然後自己組了 Mana 黨的那位國會議員。他穿著一件寫著 Lincoln University 的外套,在攤位區域走,看起來純粹是路過,來這邊看看。有個毛利人看到他,表情驚訝,伸出手跟他握手,講了兩句話之後 Hone 繼續前進。我去問了那個毛利人剛才那人是不是 Harawira 議員,他說就是。我還滿好奇,Harawira 常常表達強烈有民族主義的意見,一直招激進的毛利人的民意,不知道他對於這個場景有什麼感覺。廣場有個毛利名字,是歐洲人建造的,而亞洲人在上面擺攤賣飲食。



後來晚上是跟朋友們逛到覺得天氣好冷,結果去隔壁的 Starbucks 喝一杯熱咖啡,坐著和朋友聊天。沒有遮蔽、沒有座位和要排隊會驅散我這種對吃東西很懶惰的人呀。

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Go Karting

I went go karting with friends on Sunday. That was my first time kart racing. The steering is different from a normal car. As Ray said, it doesn't have power steering. So it takes more effort to turn. I didn't realize that in the beginning so I bumped into the side of the track in the first lap. Another difference is that it is able to turn much more sharply than a normal car. So it's actually possible to accelerate towards a corner and turn without stepping on the brake much. And it goes faster than I expected. The outdoor extension of the track has a long straight section. I drove really fast there. It was rather bumpy to drive the kart, though.

Apparently I got my best lap time early in the race. It might be because I hadn't figured out that you need to step hard on the brake to decelerate. Also, there was once I was taken by Jest. Then I followed behind him. He was quick around the corners and I didn't manoeuvre well and I drove directly into the fence. My knee hit the kart and it hurt. After that, I drove quite cautiously for a few laps. Maybe that's why my later laps were slower.

I got third place out of six drivers. Not bad, as I don't see myself as a fast or sophisticated driver. The result showed that Jest was the fastest. Although he probably was more skillful as this was the third time he did kart racing this year, we thought he was inconsiderate/沒品 in the manner to get the win. He often bumped other people's karts. He also kept speeding and overtaking when the staff put on the yellow light to signal an incident and required the driver to slow down. Or maybe we're just sour losers :P

That was exciting and fun. However, it was expensive. Luckily we had vouchers so we paid $25 for 20 minutes of racing. The original price was $55, which we probably wouldn't have gone for it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Matakana Day Trip

We had a day trip in Matakana on 6 August, 2011. We went to Matakana Farmers Market in the morning.

I'm not into buying food from stalls. Nevertheless, I ate a very sugary crepe after waiting for 15 minutes or so. Then I bought a bottle of feijoa & apple juice after tasting a small glass of it. We then went into some shops selling exquisite goods. One that particularly interested me was a stationery shop. There was a man drawing a fairly large piece of paper with a pen. The lines of the drawing looks like they're printed instead of drawn. The man stopped and talked to customers when they were standing besides him and gazing at his work. I think that's quite a special job. He keeps alternating between drawing and explaining.

When we were about to leave the town centre, we walked past this sign and I suggested that people could plank there. Maybe I shouldn't mention that?

Ray got on it and a guy came out of nowhere and posed for the picture. He then told us that he'd plank another way.

After I took the photo, he crossed the road and got back in the car in the petrol station where his mate was waiting. Then they drove away. So he really came over solely for planking with Ray. hehe.

We went to Brick Bay Vineyard and had lunch there. The lunch was a few platters of 下酒菜. We had a bottle of white wine with it. I don't have a photo of that. I was hungry and I just wanted to eat. The food tasted nice but it wasn't filling. So I was light headed because of the alcohol in my still quite empty stomach.

There is a sculpture trail in the vineyard. Friends walked and I staggered (exaggeration) the trail after lunch. There were a few cute ones but not many big spectacular sculptures.

Ray checks what card is at the bottom.

After we left the vineyard, we drove to Warkworth and had a short walk along the river. Then we went back to North Shore.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger [film]

Retro, simple and enjoyable
Nice retro setting. I like the romance between the leads. It's also fun to watch Tommy Lee Jones and Stanley Tucci's characters. The story is quite simple. It's fun and enjoyable. Plenty of action with good pace. Not too fast or has too many explosions like some other movies :P

LC rates: 4 stars

Ray 你不用去健身房了,學 Captain America 可以速成,不過你可能會長到比姚明還高。
我其實還滿喜歡 Captain America 當藝人。(唱一首「唸你」吧)
Hugo Weaving 又演看不到臉的角色,至少這次不像 V 怪客那次完全沒露臉。
Captain America 硬闖正門與一堆敵人纏鬥被捉住,結果隊友用繩索輕鬆破窗而入?
Captain America 到處硬闖,堡壘、基地、飛機都蠻力攻進去。