Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Presentation 五分鐘前聊什麼

一堂早上十點的課,十點鐘,同學陸續進教室,我和assignment partner等著課堂一開始我們就要做 presentation. 有個華人同學走進教室,手裡握著一個畫咖啡圖案的紙杯,蓋著有洞口讓你對著嘴喝的那種杯蓋。一頭灰髮的巴西裔女老師問他說那是什麼咖啡。我開玩笑說也許那是豆漿不是咖啡 (我們是華人嘛)。沒想到同學既然說對呀,那真的是豆漿,是在大學 food court 的中餐攤位買的。老師就開始說她在家喝咖啡都加 soy milk,對身體比較好,尤其是對更年期的女人。

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sort Of Dunno Nothin'

Sort Of Dunno Nothin' - Peter Denahy

A funny song that portrays a typical aimless teenager. Always answering yep, no, nothing, dunno etc. I'm sure I did that when I was a teenager. I think I still do that sometimes. :P Some friends do that too.

It's written and sung by an Australian country music (?) singer Peter Denahy

Sunday, July 06, 2008


I recently learned there's something called micro-blogging. Basically you can post short messages about what you're doing now, and your friends can see. Here's a 2 and half minute video by Common Craft Show explaining one of the most popular micro-blogging service, Twitter:
Twitter in Plain English

By the way, Common Craft Show has a number of “in plain English” videos that explain new web tools and services such as Twitter, blog, RSS etc. Have a look on when you hear about some new web stuffs and you want a simple explanation.

Back to the topic of micro-blogging. So, basically, it lets your friends see your 碎碎念. It's kind of like people writing a short message besides their nicknames in instant messengers. I'm skeptical about the concept, though. My initial thoughts are, wouldn't it be a nuisance to keep writing about what you're doing every moment? And do you want other people to know what you're doing all the time. Also, wouldn't it be annoying to get notifications about what people are doing all the time?

But then I thought it'd be useful in some cases. I think it would be suitable for people who have close relationships and are interested in each other's daily lives and don't mind letting the other person know their own lives. It'd useful for partners or friends living in different countries as they may be harder to keep getting updates about each other. I think it's because micro-blogging is of different time, different location; whereas instant messaging is same time, different location. It would require both people to be online at the same time (for online messages) to use MSN. Sometimes it's not so convenient for people in different countries with time differences.

Twitter and Plurk are the 2 popular micro-blogging services I've heard about. Plurk looks kind of cool with the timeline interface. There are some example Plurks on its home page, such as this example, have a look if you're interested. When you see the timeline, you can click the button on the bottom right that says “only blahblah's plurks”, and select “blahblah and his friends plurks”, to get a better idea what it would be like when many people leave messages.

I wonder if any of my friends is micro-blogging? I guess probably not. Otherwise one of them might have asked me to start micro-blogging too. I guess if I micro-blog. I might write too much for the first 3 days, and find it takes too much time, then abandon it. I'm just guessing though.

Another thing, you can also let other people know what you do in your day by sharing Google Calendars. That wasn't the main intention of Google Calendars, but you can use it that way too.

I'm thinking... I have no idea what Hari does everyday, if he uses this, it'd be cool. But I wonder if I'm willing to publish what I do daily, though. :P
Another possible usage is for my 2 video gaming enthusiasts friends. They leave messages about game stuffs on a message board, maybe they can use this to give updates to each other. Ha.