Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Favourite YouTube Videos

I felt it was a negative thing to just leave the previous post about Internet phenomena there without some positive forces to show that the world is still bright. It looked as if I only liked mindless stuff. Actually I've been wanting to write this post for quite some time.

So this time I'm writing about the YouTube videos I have bookmarked. I've already mentioned some of them in previous posts. 反正唱片公司也會出新歌加精選嘛 :P They are good enough to be brought up twice.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)
(Click HD at the bottom right of the video in YouTube to watch the high definition version)
I first saw this from Peter and I loved it. Dancing with people around the world. It's so peaceful and happy. The music fits with the video perfectly. I really like it and I've watched it many times.
Did Matt dance in your city or your hometown? Watch the video to find out.

Related links:

Sort Of Dunno Nothin' - Peter Denahy
A funny song that portrays a typical aimless teenager. Always answering yep, no, nothing, dunno etc. I'm sure I did that when I was a teenager. I think I still do that sometimes. :P Some friends do that too.

Mentos + diet coke = eruption should be common knowledge by now. You haven't heard of it? Well, watch this video to see how mentos and diet coke can be used to make an interesting display.

Related links:
The official web site has another mentos experiment that relies on chain reaction - The Domino Effect

Be warned! If you choose to listen to this song, you might have it playing in your head all the time. (at least for a while) :P
She makes this song her own. This song is now called Ken Lee and people sing "Ken lee... tulibu dibu douchoo"

Actually, I haven't written about the two channels that I subscribe to. I'll talk about them next time.

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