Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Karangahake Gorge Day Trip

We went to Karangahake Gorge on the 14 May, 2011. It was a beautiful place and the weather was sunny too. Nice!

When we met up. We had two surprise guests, Jack and his girlfriend Ivy. We told them that we were going on this day trip. But we didn't expect Jack to actually turn up. As somebody said, Jack starts showing up when he's about to leave for another country.

Karanagahake Gorge is near Paeroa. There are a number of tracks in that area. The Karangahake Historic Walkway may be considered as the main track. It takes 2 hours one way. We had three cars so we could park cars at both ends of the track so we didn't need to walk the same way back. However, we still hesitated to take such a long walk. So instead, we started with the Tunnel Loop Walk which took about an hour.

We walked along the river. The scenery was beautiful. After sometime, we reached a bridge that leads to the tunnel. The tunnel is an old railway tunnel. It is about 1.1 km long. It's a really long tunnel to walk! We walked into this dark, chilly and damp place. It was quite eerie. Thinking back, I'd be scared to enter the tunnel if there were fewer than four people in our group. There were nine of us so I felt fine. We had about five torches so we could see enough to walk ahead. After a few minutes, it started to feel endless. We just kept walking and walking and the end of the tunnel didn't seem to approach us. A common estimate of walking time is 15 minutes per kilometre.  So we probably walked more than 15 minutes in this dim tunnel. Eventually we emerged into daylight again. Too bad Ming wasn't left behind. :P

That's a long tunnel ahead.

After we returned to the world with daylight, we took a break and had our lunch and snacks. We walked back to the car park after lunch and decided to do another short walk. Yay~ The second walk was the Windows Walk. It took about an hour round trip too. The "windows" refer to the small openings in a few locations along the tunnel in this walk. Gold mining was in this area in the early 20th century. There were remnants of the gold mining on the Windows Walk. At first, we walked along a tramway track. Somehow, Ray sat in this old metal basket/tram.

We then went into the tunnel section. It was dark. You really need a torch to walk inside. After walking for a couple of minutes or so, we reached this window. Here is what it was like to look outside. You can see a path on the other side of the gorge. We walked that path later and appreciated the nice scenery.

View from one of the "windows"

After we went out of the tunnel, we continued on to find a nearby "underground pumphouse". We didn't know what it was. It turned out to be a few short, interconnecting tunnels that led to a chamber with old equipment. I suppose that was used for pumping. The equipment was locked behind bars so we could only view from a distance. Mind you, the chamber was pitch black. We could only use our torches to light it up dimly. In this dim light, we saw… Ray impersonating a zombie, like it's a shooting video game. He looked too happy to be a zombie, though. I've never seen a zombie that wears glasses, either. I don't know why. Anyway, there was a another surprise in the dark. We saw a few glow worms on the ceiling when we switched off our lights.

After we finished Windows Walk and returned to the car park, we set Owharoa Falls as our next destination. We drove there, and it took us less than a minute to walk to the waterfall after we parked. The waterfall looks quite short, doesn't it?

This photo looks badly composed and fake. That's why I put it up. Ha

I'd been directing the group pretty much all day. I then drove onto a nearby unpaved road/driveway and led our group to Victoria Battery. It was a site that remained from the age of gold mining. There was this abandoned structure. Somehow, Ray stood on top of it. The copycat Jack climbed up too. But the kitten was scared of heights and he was stuck up there. Ray came down first and he messed with Jack. He initially thought Jack was just acting. After a long while, Jack finally came down. The structure really wasn't very tall, you know.

That was pretty much it. We drove in the sunset and headed back to Auckland.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Source Code [film]

It was quite interesting to me. I felt the situation was resolved more easily than I thought. However, what happened after that was unexpected. The movie was short relative to some over-long movies nowadays. It moved in a pretty good pace.

The protagonist lives through the same 8-minutes over and over again. It has a bit of Groundhog Day, but not really. (Groundhog Day is a classic!)

I guess it has a bit of The Matrix too. In fact, I imagine the sequels should be named like the Matrix. The second film would be Source Code Refactored. The third film would be Source Code Rewritten. (Excuse my geeky humour.)

I felt there were some flaws in the logic. For example, how do you make phone calls in a memory? How do you interact with the people and environment anyway? I thought it would be like the "pensieve" in Harry Potter. You can only observe past events but cannot interact with anything. Anyway, it's science fiction so we can assume it just worked that way. The ending made the possibilities much broader, anyway. It kind of answered my questions too.

The actor that intrigued me the most was the lady who played Goodwin. She looked familiar but I didn't know who she was. I found out that she is Vera Farmiga. I watched Up in the Air which she played. No wonder she looked familiar. That was a very different role, though. No wonder I couldn't recognize her.

The actor who plays the comedian on the train is a real comedian, Russell Peters, who was quite popular on YouTube a couple of years ago. Oddly, I didn't watch his videos and I saw him in a movie.

Interesting. Better than Déjà vu.

LC rates: 4 stars

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A popular game (for now)

In case you haven't played Angry Birds and you want to, there's now an option to play it on a Chrome browser.

Monday, May 16, 2011

給 Waipa Delta 按個爛

今天 Waipa Delta 又在 GrabOne 特價,提醒我應該來個反廣告一下。

我們一行人在三月時用了GrabOne voucher 去搭 Waipa Delta 的 harbour cruise。 船慢,航行路線比我預期的短,GPS 記錄了這個路線

那時買多了一張GrabOne voucher,後來在拍賣網上賤價賣了。

隔了一個月,Waipa Delta 的人員打電話給我,跟我要我賣掉的那一張 GrabOne voucher 的號碼,還跟我說不可以轉賣他們的 voucher ,"that's not very good",他們現在要兌現 vouchers,但是搞不清楚到底哪些 vouchers 是誰使用的。

我正好在電腦前,不太高興但是還是好心幫他查了一下。一邊查的時候我說我讀過 GrabOne 的 terms and conditions,並沒有禁止轉售 vouchers。他說這是他們 Waipa Delta 的 terms and condition,跟 GrabOne 無關。我心想有嗎?應該是臨時編的。GrabOne 不能轉賣的 vouchers 會在賣的明白地寫在 conditions 裡。

唸給他賣掉的那一張的 voucher 號碼後,他又問我當天用的 vouchers 都是我的名字嗎?我告訴他其中有兩張是我朋友的名字,他又要問我朋友的名字。到了這時就更惹惱我了,我大概知道是怎麼回事了,這根本就是他們行政上散漫無序,只依賴訂位的人的名字,卻沒考慮訂位的人跟 voucher 上的名字可能不同,也不需要相同。乘客上船的時候也沒去對voucher和訂位的人的名字,而且,其實上船時收票的人員很隨便,根本沒看 vouchers 一眼,也沒數有幾張,我覺得隨便給他一疊影印紙他都會讓我過。

一開始隨便,結果事後弄不清楚,還要一一打電話去問這些訂位的人。實在太糟糕,明明自己行政、票務沒做好,麻煩顧客去查資料還指責顧客。而且,那已經不是他們第一次在 GrabOne 賣 vouchers,我就不懂他們怎麼還能做這麼差。


Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Social Network [film]

The literal title of the film would be "The Facebook Founders". There were probably hundreds of social networking services with at least 10,000 users. I was more interested to see how Facebook prevailed and became the most popular service with more than 500 million users. What did they do that made they different? But the story wasn't about that. It was about the friendship of the founders turned sour. It was about the smart, socially inept and ruthless Mark in one way or another used other people to build up Facebook.

It looked like a good film with a good story. But it didn't "feel" right to me. It felt like a fictional story pretending to be a true story. The real Sean Parker said it was all fictional. Justin Timberlake played a character that happened to have his name. He said he wished his life was that cool.

I tried to view it as a fictional story, but the name Facebook was mentioned all the time. Also, all the characters had names of real people who I had seen on the TV and the Internet. I tried to view it as a real story, but then Justin Timberlake entered the film. It was hard to believe a computer hacker would be so charismatic. It was even harder when this character was played by a pop singer.

The picture, story and acting were good. But I just didn't enjoy it very much on the whole. I didn't understand all the hype about it at the time. I wouldn't have chosen it to be the best film for Oscar.

LC rates: 3 stars

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

雜記 2011-05-10

-- 小蜜桃姊姊嫁的不是西瓜哥哥。
-- L&P 已經在 Auckland 生產三十年了,Paeroa 還是打著名聲招搖撞騙。
-- 我自稱 jogger 但是跑不過他,還是打著名聲招搖撞騙。

或許我改打 orienteering 名聲。
Orienteering 中文叫野外定向。
查了查跑步 events,參加費用都不便宜,多個賺錢的目的。
10月的 Auckland Marathon,half marathon 名額已經報名滿了 @@
不知道下雨的話這些戶外 events 會怎麼應對?
SoundHound 是很神奇的手機 app,我哼的走調它還是辨認出來我在唱什麼歌。
新兵日記一集下來放了很多歌,軍歌之外SondHound 大都認得出來,連高明駿的歌都認得。
Google Code Jam Qualification Round 過關,21日、22日再來玩正式 Round 1。