Anyway, 那時應該是看著完治這樣剛進社會工作前幾年的年輕上班族,努力打拼又有如此的精彩的愛情糾葛,想像將來自己25歲會有怎樣的際遇?會往了什麼目標努力?會遇到怎樣的莉香?
下午跟同學聊天時,揭露了自己的過去,先讀工程系再 computer science 再上班又回來讀書,現在26歲,硬是比他們兩個去年剛念完 Bachelor of Engineering 的大上 4+ 歲。他們都說看起來不像26歲,我開玩笑說 Because I'm Asian. :P 其中一人原本以為我24歲。
之前在公司同事是驚訝我年紀那麼小,通常以為我比實際年齡大幾歲,HR 有一次還特別跟我說原來我年紀這麼小啊,他整理員工資料才發現我是公司第二小的。三年過後,我現在反過來是在用年紀大來嚇人的。(add a mandatory comment here: 唉,歲月不饒人啊!)
寫到這裡懶得寫了,太晚了,要睡覺,而且也沒什麼好說的,只是要 point out, especially to the my fake 19 year-old friend, that we have reached the age we dreamed about (He probably dreamed more than I did :P). Things might not have come true. But hey, we don't live in 12 one-hour episodes.
was I dreaming abt this age? well.. maybe I was, but I imagined I'd be rich already... and that's certainly not the case so far.. ><
and you are old now coz u went back to school! duh!
but ah... Tokyo Love Story.. bring back memories... of my adolescent years.. geez.. it has been a while..
Nice. It looks as you've got my point, Hari. Nostalgia.
Ha, I vaguely recall that you wanted to be a successful businessperson who has a top floor office by the age of 24 something. I can't remember whether you wanted a pretty assistant too.
Somehow, people in their teenage years often imagine they'll accomplish a lot by their mid-20s. Ha, we didn't consider what it takes to do that.
haha.. pretty assistant is a bonus :)
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