Friday, June 22, 2007


最佳年度歌曲獎:寶貝,小情歌,千里之外都輸給今天妳要嫁給我!!? 評審是最近要結婚還是被Jolin迷惑了嗎?
結果真的就是... 當時頒獎人是張信哲和 MC Hotdog,我覺得 MC Hotdog 當時心中應該很不爽吧? In this case, 我還滿希望他在台上把獎座折斷或什麼的 :P
完全不接受... 哇勒 Jolin in da house. DT in da house. @@

不過後來 MC Hotdog 得到最佳國語專輯獎,他大概心情好很多吧。不過,這也是我沒想到的得獎人。

Hari 實在很厲害,又是早早就在聽蘇打綠、張懸、Tizzy Bac 這些比較"不紅"的歌手、團體,又是在金曲多項入圍,蘇打綠和 Tizzy Bac 也的確得了獎。
Hari 之前就在這些人不紅的時候就聽陳奕迅、黃力行、蔡健雅,後來都得了金曲獎,Hari 是不是有混在評審團之中呀?

蔡依林得最佳國語女歌手獎,應該是 Hari 在評審團中對造型部份給了高分吧 :P

謝金燕得最佳台語女歌手獎ㄟ, OK, I don't actually listen to her music. But I just find that cool.
電音搖滾台語英文混合歌曲... 整個很國際化的台。
(HotDog 來串場: "我愛台妹,台妹愛我")

Anyway, 推薦大家聽張懸和蘇打綠囉!As for Tizzy Bac, ask Hari.

之前同事 Jenny 一直聽小情歌...
"就算大雨讓這個城市顛倒 我會給你懷抱"

"我的寶貝寶貝 給你一點甜甜 讓你今夜都好眠"

不過 Hari 點太冷門的話別人可能沒辦法接受,哈,唱到上次 K 姐在 KTV 說不想再看到唱蘇打綠,後來還是靠小情歌來為他們平反一下。

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

我也超受不了中間那段Jolin in da house ..... bla bla.. it's like omg.. please turn it off...interestingly all my fds said they cant stand the song either.. I just still have no idea how that song beat all the other nominees..

Well, I wouldn't say I was the first one to start to listen to those bands (back when they were sitll unpopular), in fact I'd say I am much slower to some other people. I guess I am just the one among us who do listen to those groups ba.. but.. yeh.. it is amazingly how all they got a 金曲 soon after I started to listen to their music.. they should pay me some royalties or something :p

"蔡依林得最佳國語女歌手獎,應該是 Hari 在評審團中對造型部份給了高分吧 :P"
hahahahaah.. u read my mind :p

Tizzy bac is great lo, alternative rock, but again, prob not suitable for KTV :p