The protagonist lives through the same 8-minutes over and over again. It has a bit of Groundhog Day, but not really. (Groundhog Day is a classic!)
I guess it has a bit of The Matrix too. In fact, I imagine the sequels should be named like the Matrix. The second film would be Source Code Refactored. The third film would be Source Code Rewritten. (Excuse my geeky humour.)
I felt there were some flaws in the logic. For example, how do you make phone calls in a memory? How do you interact with the people and environment anyway? I thought it would be like the "pensieve" in Harry Potter. You can only observe past events but cannot interact with anything. Anyway, it's science fiction so we can assume it just worked that way. The ending made the possibilities much broader, anyway. It kind of answered my questions too.
The actor that intrigued me the most was the lady who played Goodwin. She looked familiar but I didn't know who she was. I found out that she is Vera Farmiga. I watched Up in the Air which she played. No wonder she looked familiar. That was a very different role, though. No wonder I couldn't recognize her.
The actor who plays the comedian on the train is a real comedian, Russell Peters, who was quite popular on YouTube a couple of years ago. Oddly, I didn't watch his videos and I saw him in a movie.
Interesting. Better than Déjà vu.
LC rates: 4 stars
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