Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Transformers 2

Spoiler ahead. Don't read on if you don't want to know the story before you watch the movie.

It really isn't my type of movie. I should be watching foreign films with subtitles with Hari. :P Not really. That's his specialty. But I do enjoy those films more. (I've just realized that I mentioned foreign films when I wrote about the first Transformers movie too. ha) Anyway, I enjoy the second Transformers film more than the first one. I guess I adjusted my expectations this time. I expected it to be noisy, with lots of robots fighting, and a plot that doesn't make sense to me, just like the first movie. That's exactly the case. It's pretty much like the first movie. I do find some aspects are better.

The fights are less confusing. There are fewer annoying characters and storylines that don't go anywhere. It just has a single storyline. So perhaps it's less annoying and more boring, which I prefer in this case. And I appreciate the presence of Megan Fox more this time.

I like that there's a variety of robots this time. They're mostly Decepticons, though. They have different animal-like robots of different sizes and abilities. The Autobots don't show much variety and lack personalities this time.

The fighting scenes are clearer than the first movie. You can see better who's fighting and who's winning. However, the opening sequence of the film is confusing. Nobody in our group knew what was going on.

劇情大綱 (LC亂解讀版)

Megan Fox 再次擔任美麗的主角,帶著男友趴趴走。主角因為夠漂亮所以不用上大學,男友則搬去另一個城市讀大學,開學兩天就起乩好幾次,主角察覺不對勁,過去找他,兩人一起遇到 terminator,確定壞機器人 Decepticons 又來啦。後來得知男友是肉身硬碟,腦裡裝有 Decepticons 要的資料。途中 pick up 兩個諧星一起解謎,找到資料所指向的鑰匙,硬碟帶賽搞砸鑰匙,但是堅持還是帶去給機器人當草藥。主角就帶著硬碟帶著草藥,穿著輕薄地橫跨沙漠,在一堆爆炸中慢動作跑了半個小時。抵達終點後草藥變成針灸,讓機器人活跳跳,救了地球。


主角抓姦時超鎮定,男友快被機器人解剖時也看起來沒非常擔心,可是後來自己和男友躲在屋裡怕被 Decepticons 機器人發現那一幕,為什麼慌張得快哭出來呀?我覺得怪怪的,不一致。也許是希望讓 Megan Fox 有機會表演不同的情緒吧,可是這樣演,我會覺得主角不太愛男友,不關心他的死活,只有自身有危險的時候才在擔心自己。

因為我覺得主角不愛男友,有一幕硬碟掛掉,Megan Fox 和 Fergie 老公兩人對看,我還想說他們是不是看對眼,而且暗自高興下一集他們兩個就可以當主角了。

為什麼Megan Fox不是演機器人呢?我想看Megan Fox和terminator兩個美女機器人打架,也許兩個美女機器人還喇舌。(有看原片就知道這其實不性感...)


Do not think about the plot. Do not try to make sense of it. Because I tried and I found it make less and less sense. Just watch it and forget about it.

Lots of things I don't understand. The number one thing is probably

Why did Megan Fox have to run in slow motion for half an hour?

Why didn't the US army send troops to get them faster? Why didn't they meet at the place where the find the key? Why didn't the Autobots transform into vehicles that suit the desert terrain to carry them to the destination faster? Maybe a vehicle that drills into the sand or something. Why do the humans have to run on foot for so long?

Why do I feel that the boy is most helpful to the Decepticons? If he didn't carry the key there, they couldn't activate the machine. He found the key for them. He carried key to the machine for them. He did all this even though the Decepticons never managed to extract the data from his head.

There are other things I don't understand. But mostly, why did they have to make Megan Fox run in slow motion for half an hour?

Have I seen that before?

Some how, some scenes remind me of other movies:
Bruce Almighty, Johnny Mnemonic, The Matrix, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret, and Transformer 1 of course

Enjoyment: 3 stars.
That's because I adjusted my expectations and I was in a good mood.


Hari said...

Why did Megan Fox have to run in slow motion for half an hour?

um... are you serious? the answer is obvious... it SELLS ticket! dammit I went coz... no.. I went coz the robots............. it was cooool.....

LC said...

I agree. Megan Fox was one of the few things I was looking forward to see in this movie. But the problem is half an hour is pretty long. They only need a few seconds in the trailer. They could have made her do other things too. Swim, wash the cars/robots, or fix the car again. Whatever.

By the way, Alice pointed out that 當硬碟被炸到掛掉的時候,美女還是超乾淨。

She probably doesn't sweat either. It should be an ad for anti-perspirant.

LC said...

By the way, Queen St 上 cinema 沒有我看第一集的戲院那麼好。之前可能是在網路上有些人提到有頂級音響的國賓戲院看的,那是感覺到椅子都在震動啊!

Hari said...

where did you see the first one??

I had to sit in the first row this time! @@

LC said...

I watched the first movie with a group of coworkers in 西門町. The sound system was awesome so I guess it might be 國賓戲院.

We watched the second movie in SkyCity cinema in Queen Street. We sat at the 6th row but it was still comfortable.

Hari said...

yeah.. tw's cinema is much better (the big ones) I mean we went to watch lord of the ring 3 at 樂聲 and it was huge, seriously.. and the sound system was awsome too..