Friday, February 27, 2009

Computer tip: Ctrl + enlarges text

I use shortcut keys. Most people probably rarely use them. However, there's one I think that's really useful and people should know.
Press 'Ctrl' and '+' to enlarge the text.
This should make long articles easier to read.

In most browsers:
Ctrl +  makes the text larger
Ctrl -  makes the text smaller
Ctrl 0  set the text to the original size
Also, hold the Ctrl key and scroll the mouse wheel also changes the size of the text.

They also work in some word processors (e.g. MS Word) and PDF readers etc. In this case, they're more like zooming in and out.

I know it's useful for someone who just got a new 10-inch netbook in Taiwan. hehe. Even for me, my notebook has a 15-inch screen. I still press Ctrl + on most web pages. I don't like straining my eyes.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Starlight Symphony

I went to Starlight Symphony. Although this event had run for many years, I had never been there. What I heard about the event was that it was similar to Christmas in the Park but with classical music. It had a fireworks show at the end. As Alice is a fireworks fanatic, she mentioned about this event more than a month ago. I checked out the information on the Internet and found that this year Brooke Fraser will perform there! Brooke Fraser! So I was determined to go. But it turned out that Alice had another friend's event to go and couldn't go to Starlight Symphony. I thought it might start a chain reaction that Andy doesn't go because Alice doesn't go. Then Peter doesn't go because Andy doesn't go. And so. I was so determined to go that I'd go even by myself if nobody joins me. Luckily, the good guy Andy went with me. Later, Jesu and Lydia also came to Auckland Domain and Andy somehow managed to find them.

The weather was a worry initially. It rained earlier that day and I thought the event may be postponed. It turned clear in the evening. Other than a drizzle at the start of the show, it stayed dry for the rest of the event.

They played pieces of music that many people are familiar with. For example, in the beginning, there were several violinists featured one by one. They played different movements of the Four Seasons by Vivaldi. Andy commented on them like a 星光大道評審. Andy said a few of them sounded different from his CD recordings at home but they got their own styles. However, Andy said one was 太油. Ha, that comment is usually for 星光大道 or American Idol but not for classical music.

They played more pieces of classical music that I was familiar with. Some of them particularly interested me because I played them in high school in the orchestras. Auckland Philharmonia played Williamtell Overture, Finlandia, Pomp & Circumstances. Jeffrey, I wish you were there. Ah, good old high school orchestra times.

In the second half of the event, about 2 hours into the show, Brooke Fraser finally got on the stage. That was what we'd been waiting for. Well, "we" as many other people and I. Andy, Jesu and Lydia didn't know who she was. Brooke Fraser started by singing Shadowfeet, one of the hit singles of her second album. Then she sang Deciphering Me from the same album. The third song was Mystery, it's a less promoted song from the first album. So I thought she wouldn't end it with that song. Indeed, she then performed her first hit song, Better. Then she stepped off the stage. The host then asked the audience whether if we wanted more Brooke Fraser. Of course the audience said we wanted more. Brooke then came back on the stage and sat at the piano. She played the piano and sang the mellow ballade Arithmetic. I loved Brooke Fraser's performance. She played the piano for three of the five songs I think. The orchestra played the other instruments for the songs, which was different from her usual band, and it sounded great.

After that, another highlight was a laser light show. It was wicked.

Then the whole event finsished with Auckland Philharmonia playing the 1812 Overture and to accompany the fireworks. The fireworks were dazzling. That's one of the best fireworks I've seen.

So. I really enjoyed Starlight Symphony. To me, it was better than Christmas in the Park because I've heard those Christmas songs too many times. Also, the fireworks were magnificent. 

One thing is the same for both events, though. Wear warm clothes even though it's summer. It gets cold in the evening in such an open space. The other three people probably got quite cold by the end of the show. ha :P

Related pages:
Brooke Fraser's YouTube channel - Watch the music videos of some songs that were mentioned. 
Brooke Fraser's MySpace Music page - Listen to some of her songs that were mentioned. 

Friday, February 20, 2009











最後,我再強調是有必要保留我身上優越純正的白... 啊!香蕉
原來...... 我是包奶油的

又要來說明很明顯的東西。這篇當然不是在以我自己的身分在寫我的觀點,我只是看了奧克蘭市中心有掛了元宵節燈籠的街景,加上之前讀到新聞,給我這篇的構想,假設那種想把自己封在白人小鎮的種族主義者看到了燈籠街景,會想說些什麼。當然,裡面很多是惡搞的,當然這種人不會寫中文更不可能用這麼多詞。唉,我實在覺得寫得很不像這種無知的人會寫的文章,可是我覺得若是一直說同樣的詞很無聊呀!也許哪天想修的話我再寫一版詞彙少一點好了,也許比較不會冒犯人,(竟敢叫 communitychannel 是母狗,冒犯到我了),我很可能會寫到睡著就是了。

之前看了一篇 Matt Harding跳的傻舞,發覺人是可以有多愚蠢的,就算明白寫出來說是開玩笑的,有人還是忽略,直接跳去寫很笨的留言。 這裡路人不多,不然的話可能也有人看了標題就跳到留言謾罵我吧。




註:打老婆並不會增加智商,你相信的話那實在智商... 唉... 當然是被老婆打才會變聰明呀!還不快回家試試先。

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lantern Festival

之前就有注意到有一位紅色長角三倍速前兩年都有精彩的記錄和解說在 Albert Park 的 Lantern Festival. 有2007奧克蘭燈籠節。(圖很多),和毫無風水概念的奧克蘭燈籠節2008。  看了這精彩的兩篇,而且我也有3, 4年沒去了,打算今年去看看,除非像去年一樣下大雨。

這天是跟爸媽一起去的,雖然現在大家住在同一間房子,一起出門的機會還是不太多。這次難得老媽想去看,當然要支持一下。我們大概五點半在市中心停好車,先在Aotea Centre 看一個街頭藝人的表演。這週正好有 Buskers Festival ,在市中心幾個地點有街頭藝人的表演。我們看的那一個,表演的是要走在繩索上又一邊丟接幾把刀子。可能是真正有action的時間太短了,所以前面先跟觀眾互動搞笑弄了很久,也花不少時間提醒大家他唯一的收入是大家施捨的,請大家慷慨解囊。最後,好不容易在繩索上,空著手前後走都還好,可是拿刀準備丟時似乎有些困難,調整了很久,他好像是看著前方固定的建築試著平衡,他面向IMAX這一棟,結果一直有路人走來走去,他沒辦法專心平衡,他還喊說叫大家不要再走了。結果最後他宣布說他太累了, exhuasted. 這大概時他當天的第三場吧。他說他已經 try his best. 他還是試著丟了一下刀子,是有juggle了幾秒,但是短暫幾秒後人和刀子都掉下來了。人是沒事,我想他下來的時候應該也是有顧到安全。雖然不是期望中那麼精彩的表演,滿多人還是有給他一些捐獻,我們也投了個硬幣。

接著在 Queen Street 上短短逛一下之後,我帶他們去 Victoria Street 上的大黑拉麵吃,我也是第一次去,居然還坐到要盤腿坐的位子,累。

之後就走上坡去 Albert Park,上上下下的人很多。在公園的階梯上還會塞住。到公園上,哇,感覺滿滿一堆人,還有一些相對於台北燈會來說算是小的燈籠。我們就在公園裡繞呀繞。在人群中走呀走,看看四處擺設的燈籠。果然燈籠大都跟往年一樣,紅色長角三倍速那兩篇裡面記錄的燈籠大部分我今年在現場看到了。不過逛來逛去,怎麼沒看到牛的燈籠勒。

公園裡逛完一圈之後,我們在公園旁封街擺攤位那一條街很快的逛了一下,我們三人都對這些小吃攤位沒興趣,就沒買也沒久留。嗯,本來就沒特別喜歡小吃,我媽可能也覺得想吃的話花錢買不如自己做。經過攤位,從最接近奧大 quad 的公園入口又回去公園,終於看到牛了,原來牛年的主燈在這裡呀。不過也不是特別顯眼。結果,在這裡也正好碰到我正在做的 summer project 的兩個 supervisors,他們正要走回學校,嗯,這是週五晚上8點半ㄟ,他們好像一直都待在學校一樣,尤其是比較資深那位,之前我們在考試考完那一天去烤肉後來回到lab打電動、看影片,結果晚上12點半他還在進出他的辦公室,那是週六晚上/週日開始的 0.30am.

回到燈會,現在主舞台那邊傳來總理 John Key 的致詞聲,所以我們過去看看是否要有表演節目,正好 John Key 講完話,放了幾串滿長的鞭炮,炸了半分鐘以上吧,接著表演節目就開始了,我有從大螢幕上看到 John Key 就和新工黨黨魁 Phil Goff 和Auckland City市長 John Banks一起坐在前牌準備看表演。(註1)

第一個表演節目是一個我們從未看過的表演,可以稱作是魁儡舞獅吧?舞台上架了道具,上頭吊了一個球,是舞獅要去咬的。而舞獅不是一般蓋在人身上的舞獅,而是比較小的布偶(想不到適合的詞),有繫著幾條繩索,繩索連到舞台後方的一群操作者,他們就以拉扯收放這些繩索來控制舞獅的動作。主要有三隻舞獅在上下左右前後的動作。舞獅在往前向觀眾衝的時候,媽媽就在看John Key有沒有被舞獅咬到,因為他幾週前在另一個華人新年活動從台上摔下折斷手 (註2),我媽就說他屬牛應該要去安太歲。


eh? 感覺這一篇好像應該放照片才對?但是我懶得放,因為真的有九成的燈籠都在紅色長角三倍速的文章裡就有照片了。看2007的照片就差不多了。新的牛年燈籠也加在最新的文章2009 奧克蘭燈籠節之馬英九的車輪餅。(更新),不過我沒看到他在最新這篇提到的車輪餅攤位和廣告。倒是車輪餅跟我下一篇文章有微微的關連。就是我好幾篇前寫說會有比較長的一篇 (其實沒這篇長),我九成寫好了一直沒complete 和 post. 下一篇就先把他完成吧。

(註1) 給在國外沒 follow 紐西蘭政治的朋友補充一下時事。Labour下台 National 執政了,總理是 John Key;Labour 的 Helen Clark 辭去黨魁,前國防部長 Phil Goff 接任;Auckland City 市長 John Banks 是回鍋的,2001當過,上一屆2004選輸 Dick Hubbard,2007這一屆又選贏。

(註2) References for John Key breaks his arm during fall: [article][video][video, WTF is this? Watch it only if you're bored]

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

I wanted to give everybody a Valentine's Day gift. So I performed my own version of the song that was mentioned in the last post. ha :P

Watch the video here. Happy Valentine's Day!


My classmate showed me a photo that he took in a class. It had the whiteboard, which the teacher had written some code on it. My classmate wanted to me see what was wrong about it. I didn't get it. He then pointed to this line that had:


I saw it... The c and the l in 'click' were hand written too closely together. hahahahaha. box contains... hahahahaha. Then I said, "oh, that! I think Justin Timberlake had a video about it." He was surprised I got it, so exactly! hahaha

hahaha, pay attention to your handwriting and variable names. hehehe

Here's the link to the video (for mature audience. 小朋友不要學,叔叔有練過). I'm sure there are people who do that for the Valentine's gift somewhere in the world today.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


我原來不是要先寫這一篇,不過勒,忽然下週 summer school 要結束,現在要多花時間寫 report 和修程式,就先挑短的寫好了。
這篇要提的是不美好又無意義的東西,不想看請跳過。(i.e. 看了覺得浪費時間或被惹煩了不要怪我)
本篇重點就是分享一個很蠢的廣告,蠢東西要和蠢朋友分享... -_-

大家看了那廣告的反應 range 從搞不懂, 覺得無聊, 蠢, 嚴重的是很反感,想打人。
我看了那廣告,除了覺得WTF,這跟遊戲內容有什麼關係?也一直想問,Why? Why? Why? 為什麼要把廣告拍成這樣?真的有效果嗎?為什麼台灣有很多線上遊戲和電子字典的廣告都拍得很蠢?


線上遊戲拍這麼蠢的廣告,真的會有人看來想去花錢嗎?OK,曾經看過一篇文章提到不同族群可能有不同的消費習性,付費能力跟付費意願是不同的。像是在賺澳幣賺到可能破百萬台幣年薪的朋友 H 可能看了這個廣告會倒帶多看幾次胸部晃動的畫面,可是不管再這麼晃,甚至背景音樂換成是他喜歡的聲音會晃的歌手,他還是很理智,不會去玩這個線上遊戲,更不會花錢買虛擬寶物。
另一位個性像小孩的朋友 J ,當兵中可能收入少到不用繳稅 可能看了廣告覺得,唉呦不錯喔!也許,just maybe, 他就去玩了。雖然我覺得這廣告蠢到他也不會想去玩,頂多喊喊 slogan 而已。

So, I guess, 遊戲公司有調查過,知道有針對什麼族群打廣告最有效果。嗯?真的有族群會被這廣告導引到最後去花錢嗎?有的話,這廣告target的族群也太小了吧?為了那不到1%的人,放這種廣告惹惱其他 >99% 的人。
or? simply 遊戲公司 or 廣告公司就是腦很小,真的覺得大家會喜歡這個廣告,看了會想玩。

讀到這裡你居然還想看那廣告的話,好吧,你可以去重灌狂人這一篇看一看。 (H兄可能看了上一句的詞就很想看?)

看了廣告,誰敢承認有去玩這個遊戲呀? OK... 我唯一微渺的期望是哪天J放假時上線跟我說他在玩,或至少唱個 slogan 吧.


Monday, February 02, 2009

iPhone Shuffle

My friend mentioned that it's possible to connect to the Internet with a cellphone. I said that it'd too hard to type with the keypad and the screen is way too small.

It reminded me of browsing the Internet with iPhone Shuffle.