Sunday, April 20, 2008

Radio - 機車的一集

OK. I'm still very busy. (My friends in Auckland all know that now :P). But I really want to note this down. :)

The topic of the radio show today was "motorcyclists". I had significant involvement in this one.

At the beginning of the show I suggested a small quiz to introduce the topic, by saying this subject we are talking about today, 蔡依林和孫燕姿都有代言過,Shania Twain 和 Crazy Frog 的 music video 都有出現過. Then Jeffrey did a really good imitation of Crazy Frog sound, brilliant.

I wrote the short play for this one. As it was about 摩托車/機車, I thought the 短劇 should be "機車". :P So I wrote the script that is more fictional than the previous plays we had. With a part that tries to imitate romantic stories and another part that somewhat resembles a 武俠 story. Very tongue-in-cheek. Oh, and I used Ray's name in this play, just for the obscure pun of "雷禪". I guess the vast majority of the audience wouldn't get that 雷禪/雷殘 is the Taiwanese phrase that means 犁田, and is used by young people to describe 騎摩托車摔車.
Jeffrey sang 2 lines of that "滄海笑,滔滔兩岸潮" song in this play. That wasn't in the original script. He sang it just because he thought it suits the tone of the play, and Tessie edited it in. Cool!

Another editing that surprised me was there was a part that I said 喝酒不騎車, Tessie 插進來補充說宿醉後第二天早上酒精濃度可能還是很高,這時開車還是很危險。那時錄音時麥克風還給我的之後我想說這段就這樣結束,故意接說,"謝謝Tessie,我相信這是很有力的補充,因為Tessie是酒鬼",大家就笑出來,Tessie就喊說要我重講,我說反正你之後 edit的時候就把它剪掉就好了,又拿麥克風說: "Tessie 雖然愛喝酒,但是從來沒有開酒喝... 我在說什麼呀,開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車。" 沒想到,Tessie 真的把這段剪進去,只剪掉我說會剪掉的那一句。
Tessie: "... 宿醉後第二天早上酒精濃度可能還是很高,這時開車還是很危險"
LC: "謝謝Tessie,我相信這是很有力的補充,因為Tessie是酒鬼"
(Tessie 在背景(就是聽起來比較小聲) 的喊:重講!)
LC: "Tessie 雖然愛喝酒,但是從來沒有開酒喝... 我在說什麼呀 (笑聲),開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車。"
(Tessie 在背景說: 我是好榜樣)

Tessie 你為了這個 show 真是犧牲奉獻呀!
至少這一集比較 lively,沒那麼嚴肅。

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