Tuesday, April 22, 2008


tongue-in-cheek 這個詞偶而會讀到,但是我從來都不太懂是什麼意思。
查查 Wikipedia 說的,大致上意思是,用正經的口吻來講諷刺、並非字面意思的話。
中文的話... 假正經?冷面笑匠? 好像都有點差別。





Sunday, April 20, 2008

Radio - 機車的一集

OK. I'm still very busy. (My friends in Auckland all know that now :P). But I really want to note this down. :)

The topic of the radio show today was "motorcyclists". I had significant involvement in this one.

At the beginning of the show I suggested a small quiz to introduce the topic, by saying this subject we are talking about today, 蔡依林和孫燕姿都有代言過,Shania Twain 和 Crazy Frog 的 music video 都有出現過. Then Jeffrey did a really good imitation of Crazy Frog sound, brilliant.

I wrote the short play for this one. As it was about 摩托車/機車, I thought the 短劇 should be "機車". :P So I wrote the script that is more fictional than the previous plays we had. With a part that tries to imitate romantic stories and another part that somewhat resembles a 武俠 story. Very tongue-in-cheek. Oh, and I used Ray's name in this play, just for the obscure pun of "雷禪". I guess the vast majority of the audience wouldn't get that 雷禪/雷殘 is the Taiwanese phrase that means 犁田, and is used by young people to describe 騎摩托車摔車.
Jeffrey sang 2 lines of that "滄海笑,滔滔兩岸潮" song in this play. That wasn't in the original script. He sang it just because he thought it suits the tone of the play, and Tessie edited it in. Cool!

Another editing that surprised me was there was a part that I said 喝酒不騎車, Tessie 插進來補充說宿醉後第二天早上酒精濃度可能還是很高,這時開車還是很危險。那時錄音時麥克風還給我的之後我想說這段就這樣結束,故意接說,"謝謝Tessie,我相信這是很有力的補充,因為Tessie是酒鬼",大家就笑出來,Tessie就喊說要我重講,我說反正你之後 edit的時候就把它剪掉就好了,又拿麥克風說: "Tessie 雖然愛喝酒,但是從來沒有開酒喝... 我在說什麼呀,開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車。" 沒想到,Tessie 真的把這段剪進去,只剪掉我說會剪掉的那一句。
Tessie: "... 宿醉後第二天早上酒精濃度可能還是很高,這時開車還是很危險"
LC: "謝謝Tessie,我相信這是很有力的補充,因為Tessie是酒鬼"
(Tessie 在背景(就是聽起來比較小聲) 的喊:重講!)
LC: "Tessie 雖然愛喝酒,但是從來沒有開酒喝... 我在說什麼呀 (笑聲),開車不喝酒,喝酒不開車。"
(Tessie 在背景說: 我是好榜樣)

Tessie 你為了這個 show 真是犧牲奉獻呀!
至少這一集比較 lively,沒那麼嚴肅。

Still haven't watched Wang

Although I'm supposed to on the one-week mid-semester break, I've been doing my overwhelmingly time-consuming assignments in university with other classmates. So when ESPN finally broadcast a Yankees game when Wang's pitching, I could only record it.
Then, it was NOT the game that he pitched the whole 9 innings and allowed only two hits. It was the game he lost 8 runs in less than 5 innings.
So, I didn't watch the tape. sigh.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Rain in New York made me blue

Every Yankees game is broadcast in Taiwan. They are often rerun a few times. It was easy to watch Chien-Ming Wang on TV in Taiwan.
It's very different in NZ. One game is broadcast every few days. The game could be between any teams. When it does broadcast a Yankees game, Chien-Ming Wang might not be pitching (only 1-in-5 chance he's pitching).

I was excited when I found that ESPN was going to broadcast Yankees' opening game, and Wang was going to pitch. So I turned on the TV at 7am, expected to see Wang pitching the 3rd or 4th inning. Instead, I saw an empty Yankee Stadium with rain. The game was rescheduled. I was disappointed. :(
I didn't know raining in New York would affect my mood in NZ.

And the rescheduled game wasn't broadcast in NZ. :(
So I could only check the scoreboard on MLB web site while the game was playing. I also found it funny because my friends did this kind of score checking when NBA games were on but I never did. Now I'm doing the same thing.

I hope I can watch Wang pitch on TV some time this YEAR. and I don't mean when I visit Taipei. :P

What's LC been doing? March/April

I have kept off MSN for quite some time and I've not contacted some friends for a few months. I guess I should fill you in about what I've been doing.
I'm lazy... so I'm basing this post on an email I sent to my friend. :P
Here it goes.

Nope, I still don't have a job. At least not a full time job that pays. I'm studying a postgraduate diploma in Computer Science in my old school, University of Auckland. So I guess I could say my occupation is a postgraduate student now.

In addition, I have a part-time job in the university computer lab as a "demonstrator". The main task is to answer students questions about the computers, help them with assignments and so on. I also have to tell people to be quiet and don't eat food in the lab.

My third "job" is a project which I do with a few Taiwanese youths here (old youths? :P)
. It's a Chinese radio show to promote road safety. (not exciting eh.) It is broadcast on the Mandarin radio channel here every Saturday. We cover a different topic each week and it'll run for about 5 months.

Yup. That's a short summary of what I've been up to. During the summer I also played badminton, jogged, went to the beach, played Wii, played texas hold'em. I guess that's most of it.

I haven't read novels. Too busy too finish my Harry (Hari?!) Potter and Order of the Phoenix.
I have kept off MSN. I find it's too much distraction. I think it's a nuisance to use it at uni anyway. But I'm starting to work on group assignments. You'll probably see me back online soon. I guess I should keep in touch with my overseas friends too. hm.. should I just tell them to check the blog so I don't have to type multiple times? :P
Hm, what else. Well, I guess my overseas friends will ask why I decided to study. Hm, maybe I should write about that. But I guess it doesn't matter much. I'm doing it anyway.


糟蹋呀!Such a turn off. 據說抽菸的男人會不容易硬起來,原來女人抽菸也會讓男人硬不起來。

Blog 與保齡球計分螢幕廣告

保齡球場的計分螢幕上,如果沒在計分,會播一些廣告,大部分都滿 local 的廣告。可是有點矛盾,假如球館生意好,所有的球道一直都有人在打的話,那這些廣告不就根本不會播出了嗎?如果生意差,廣告一直播,可是又沒人看到。

寫 blog 好像也是矛盾,閒的時候沒事好寫,真的有想寫的事情的時候又太忙沒空寫。三月以前沒事寫,三月以後太多事沒空寫。也許生活也是要三分之二滿才會有題材也有空閒寫 blog。
現在,球道全滿。Well, it's an exception at this very moment :P