Monday, December 14, 2009

我有想過,看完了朋友寫的blog 文章,我也許可以都留個comment表示來看過了,這樣作者知道有讀者而且是誰。可是如果沒意見的話要留什麼好呢?能不能跟老師批作業一樣寫個「閱」就好了?


近來有在寫 blog 的朋友也不多就是了,可能也沒什麼機會留「閱」。Anyway, if you see I leave the comment「閱」in your blog, I just indicate that I've read it.

By the way, 本來就想寫這篇,結果正好碰到無名氏留言,Who was the anonymous that left three comments on some of my old articles on 14/12/2009? I guess leaving an anonymous comment is the opposite of leaving a「閱」. The author knows somebody reads it and responds to the author. But the author doesn't know who's talking. I find it quite baffling. 腦裡浮起「敵暗我明」這個詞. Anyway, if you're the anonymous, let me know.

Hm, should I ask for this?... Alright, let's experiment and see what will happen...
OK. I'm asking everyone who reads this article to leave a comment. You have read this article to this point. Please leave a comment to let me know that you have read this. Don't forget to put your name. Thanks! If you don't want to say anything in particular, just leave a「閱」or "Read".


Hari said...


LC said...
