Tuesday, April 28, 2009


我想跟 Hari 玩拿破崙。因為 Hari 對於遊戲一定自認為很會玩,然後我猜他玩拿破崙的 style 一定跟我差很多,的確,Peter 說他喜歡搶著當拿破崙,而我通常很少叫上去。我猜 Hari 會搶著吃牌,大牌也會握到最後。我則通常一開始就把 A K Q J 丟出去,喜歡送給別人,也逼拿破崙要早早出大牌來吃。這會是一場帝王與庶民的較勁呀。


Hari said...

LOL.. OMG OMG... how do you know how I play? dammnit.. but hehe.. the emporer will end up winning u know... becoz we are more powerful! Unless you can somehow convince the ppl to follow communism..... HAHAHAHAHHA (base on history, every emporer who got overthrown by the ppl ended up with another emporer in power.. only case different were Russia? with Communism? hahaha... )

Hari said...

besides, the game is called Napolean for a reason, you want to win as a Napolean and die as a Napolean, what fun is there been a peasant? useless tiny peasant? wahahhaahha...Peasant NEVER work together.. if they are smart enuf to work together, they'd not be peasant ALREADY! you see? they never beat me! even with 5 peasant vs one napolean! HAHAHAHAAHAH

LC said...

Hari 想當王想瘋了... :P


Hari said...

lol.. no.. unless you get someone to be a dummy and hold the cards for me... while I look at the cards thru web cam and instruct him what to play.. LOL...

マリー said...

that's tooooo funny~~!!!