Friday, May 07, 2010

Alice in Wonderland (film)

Here's another post that has been in my draft folder for a long time.

I felt like watching a sequel when I hadn't watched the first movie. Interestingly, that's similar to what Alice felt in the story. She was there and other characters knew her but she didn't remember them.

Because we didn't watch Avatar in 3D so we decided to watch Alice in 3D. They look like cardboards to me. 2D is probably better in this film.

我總覺得 Red Queen 像小S. 主持康熙來了的任性風格加上她之前「變態少女」專輯封面造型

另一邊既然是有 Anne Hathaway 領國,為什麼人民不早早倒戈呀?Red Queen 又不是時尚雜誌的總編,大家為何那麼巴結她?

有些人覺得 Tweedledee and Tweedledum 很有喜感,可是我看到會想到射擊遊戲裡面出現的怪物,等級很弱的那一種,會想對他們開槍。

毛毛蟲的聲音跟 Snape 一樣ㄟ!你這小蟲,還我 Dumbledore!

ah, I'm not making sense. Just like the wonderland. Happy unbirthday to you!

Enjoyment: 3 stars

1 comment:

ray said...

i went watch it last weekend .. never really a fan of fantasy stuff but this one i guess i did not fall asleep since Alice keep thinkin thing ppl think is wierd which i think is cool