Thursday, April 01, 2010

Avatar (film)

We watched it on the second day when it was out, before the number of media coverage exploded. We watched in 2D because we hadn't heard all the praises about its 3D visuals. Sigh.

Well, I guess a lot of you have seen it so I don't have to say much. I enjoyed it. It's like Titanic, isn't? The film presents an interesting environemnt. A big object breaks and falls. People panic and run around. The running time is long. I enjoy the visual and the story telling. It's a story that's well presented.

Enjoyment: 5 stars (0 to 5)

From now on I rate works on a scale of 0 to 5 instead of 1 to 5. So
0 to 2 are bad,
3 to 5 are good.
There's deliberately no neutral.


Hari said...

I thought it was crap.. btw did it just start showing in NZ? I hope not.. coz I saw this back xmas..@@

I am never a fan of technology special effects, animation, or 3D bla bla.. and the story was.. omg.. crap.. so.. yea.. no good for me.. I'd give it a 1..

Ray said...

i never watch and sci fi film as everyone know i only watch funny stuff

i give O since my comment is completed bias

LC said...

We watched it a long time ago (before Xmas). I just didn't write about it until a long time later.