Matt Damon 從少年ㄟ演到當爸爸,胖了一點.
Matt Damon 後面那一招被我猜到,因為上一集已經用過了.
某些部分是refer到前兩集,像是 Matt Damon 的那一招,出錢鑽洞的金主,和搶鑽石的人,也挺有趣的.
據說Clooney和Pitt最後對對方說的話是雙關語,戲裡戲外都 make sense.
I guess, 如果 12 都看得下去的話,這部 13 就沒問題.
Enjoy 程度: 4 stars
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Casino Royale 感想
是個打鬥很多的 Bond. 覺得 Bond movie 怎麼有點像 Bourne movie. 查了一下發現原來導演是紐西蘭人.
這個 Bond 會受傷會犯錯ㄟ. 比以前的好看多了. 上一部 "雷射光切冰塊是韓國人發明的" Bond 電影實在很難看,只有橘色泳衣可以看. 這次有在著墨於 Bond 的優缺點和 emotion.
Daniel Craig 出水鏡頭不會比預告多,但是還滿常露肌肉。那, Halle Berry 和橘色泳衣勒?
玩 poker 的那一段只是讓我看爽的嗎?我看得懂是滿爽的啦,第一局是到最後一張牌才撈到好牌我也發現. 第三局 Bond 致勝的牌我也差不多猜到了. 可是,對看不懂得觀眾應該沒什麼意義吧? 我覺得是不是只是 poker 這幾年很熱門才加這一段的?
I guess, 如果前一部 bond 都能看得下去的話,這一部應該是沒問題.
Enjoy 程度: 4 stars
是個打鬥很多的 Bond. 覺得 Bond movie 怎麼有點像 Bourne movie. 查了一下發現原來導演是紐西蘭人.
這個 Bond 會受傷會犯錯ㄟ. 比以前的好看多了. 上一部 "雷射光切冰塊是韓國人發明的" Bond 電影實在很難看,只有橘色泳衣可以看. 這次有在著墨於 Bond 的優缺點和 emotion.
Daniel Craig 出水鏡頭不會比預告多,但是還滿常露肌肉。那, Halle Berry 和橘色泳衣勒?
玩 poker 的那一段只是讓我看爽的嗎?我看得懂是滿爽的啦,第一局是到最後一張牌才撈到好牌我也發現. 第三局 Bond 致勝的牌我也差不多猜到了. 可是,對看不懂得觀眾應該沒什麼意義吧? 我覺得是不是只是 poker 這幾年很熱門才加這一段的?
I guess, 如果前一部 bond 都能看得下去的話,這一部應該是沒問題.
Enjoy 程度: 4 stars
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Die Hard 4.0 的感想
看完 Die Hard 4.0 的感想: 電腦專家 sidekick 貢獻很多又搶戲. 光頭大叔打不動的時候就用飛車. Maggie Q 紅顏薄命. 我以為警察這次會幫到忙結果還是太慢. 壞人老大總讓我覺得像在拍牙膏廣告. 露整齊白牙,穿有格調的襯衫,why? 遠端操縱時穿拖鞋就可以了.
喔! 還有一個很重要的感想: 工程師好可憐,都會被殺光.
Enjoy 程度: 4 stars
其實只有 3 stars, 只是 Justin Long 長的像我以前的同事所以又多一分有趣.
喔! 還有一個很重要的感想: 工程師好可憐,都會被殺光.
Enjoy 程度: 4 stars
其實只有 3 stars, 只是 Justin Long 長的像我以前的同事所以又多一分有趣.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Rangitoto Island
Note: this took place a few weeks ago, not on the day I wrote this.
We went to Rangitoto Island for a day trip. Only Andy and Alice and I went there. Not so many people want to walk. We stayed on the Island for about 6 hours. It was a very sunny day. There were few clouds in the sky. It was quite hot on the island. After arriving on the island, we followed the main track to the summit. There was a father with two young kids. For the first half hour, the kids ran fast and waited their dad to catch up to them. Half an hour later, the kids got tired and lagged behind their dad. One kid wanted to rest and the smaller kid wanted his dad to carry him. Simultaneously, Andy talked a lot during the first half hour. He said the long walk ahead wouldn't be a problem. He saw the unusual volcanic rocks on the sides of the track and kept saying that they look unnatural so they must having been turned by giant earthworms like the ones you seen in sci-fi movies. Half an hour later, Andy became quiet and tired.
We walked a different path on the way down. We headed west to the edge of the island. We stopped at a small beach called McKenzie Bay and ate our lunch. I swam near the shore a bit. There were some boats near the shore. I joked that I should swim over there and buy some sandwiches or ice cream from them. There were two people with bikes that appeared on the beach. There was another older man who was angry and told them that bikes are not allowed on the island. He said he was going to call DOC (Department of Conservation). A while later, the older man was on the phone talking to somebody. Whereas the two bikers took their bikes to the beach and took them up on a boat and left.
After we left McKenzie Bay, we headed for the wharf to catch the last ferry of the day. There was no sign on the track to indicate how far we were from the wharf. So we walked quite fast and rested little on the this last part of the track. Alice got sore legs after that. As for me, I found the hours of walking to be quite easy. Maybe it was because it was much easier compared with the 20 hours of walking in 2 days that I had in Taiwan. Also I walk around and run around so I'm relatively used to walking. 我覺得我們滿能走的,Andy後面走的比前面順,Alice 也可能把台北都市女孩半年份的走路量都走完了吧。
現在比較懶,又比較有時間急迫的感覺,blog 就隨便寫隨便結尾。
We went to Rangitoto Island for a day trip. Only Andy and Alice and I went there. Not so many people want to walk. We stayed on the Island for about 6 hours. It was a very sunny day. There were few clouds in the sky. It was quite hot on the island. After arriving on the island, we followed the main track to the summit. There was a father with two young kids. For the first half hour, the kids ran fast and waited their dad to catch up to them. Half an hour later, the kids got tired and lagged behind their dad. One kid wanted to rest and the smaller kid wanted his dad to carry him. Simultaneously, Andy talked a lot during the first half hour. He said the long walk ahead wouldn't be a problem. He saw the unusual volcanic rocks on the sides of the track and kept saying that they look unnatural so they must having been turned by giant earthworms like the ones you seen in sci-fi movies. Half an hour later, Andy became quiet and tired.
We walked a different path on the way down. We headed west to the edge of the island. We stopped at a small beach called McKenzie Bay and ate our lunch. I swam near the shore a bit. There were some boats near the shore. I joked that I should swim over there and buy some sandwiches or ice cream from them. There were two people with bikes that appeared on the beach. There was another older man who was angry and told them that bikes are not allowed on the island. He said he was going to call DOC (Department of Conservation). A while later, the older man was on the phone talking to somebody. Whereas the two bikers took their bikes to the beach and took them up on a boat and left.
After we left McKenzie Bay, we headed for the wharf to catch the last ferry of the day. There was no sign on the track to indicate how far we were from the wharf. So we walked quite fast and rested little on the this last part of the track. Alice got sore legs after that. As for me, I found the hours of walking to be quite easy. Maybe it was because it was much easier compared with the 20 hours of walking in 2 days that I had in Taiwan. Also I walk around and run around so I'm relatively used to walking. 我覺得我們滿能走的,Andy後面走的比前面順,Alice 也可能把台北都市女孩半年份的走路量都走完了吧。
現在比較懶,又比較有時間急迫的感覺,blog 就隨便寫隨便結尾。
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