先放個 entry.
ok, 開始.
平常愛走路,有前同事找我去爬山,去走玉山附近的「八通關古道」,本來就想爬比較遠的山,只在紐西蘭爬過一次 Tongariro Crossing,接下在台灣的時間也不多,機會難得,就答應了。越接近出發時,發覺要準備的東西一堆,I started question what I did this for. Why did I spend so much effort and money to put myself out of the comfort of home and to a place where I may be cold, wet and hungry.
So I came to conclusion that people who go hiking must be irrational in some ways. They must have decided to do it based on some passion or some kind of emotional motives. It's not logical to spend money on the equipments, take time off work, to put yourself in a physically uncomfortable situation.
Anyway, 就去了,第一天先到山腳下的民宿住,夜晚全員約20人圍著營火,一邊讓大塊的肉慢慢放著烤,一邊聽原本要陪我們上山的嚮導彈吉他。不會彈背叛,有彈新不了情,也唱了紅蜻蜓(那時Ferro就真的打給以前同事,我稱呼蜻蜓姐姐),嚮導也唱了他們原住民的抒情歌。
第二天早上6點起床整理整理,啃了饅頭大家就上車前往登山口。大概 7點半開始從登山口開始走囉。前面的路段風景比較有變化,有瀑布,橋,懸崖等。
後來整個爬完的時候,有回想,覺得奇怪怎麼自己在這些危險路段時沒有感到可怕,因為有其他的年輕人通過那個路段後一副ㄘㄨㄚˋ到的樣子。我覺得,可能當時完全 focus 在要踏穩腳,扶好,穩穩得通過那個路段,沒空想掉下去那些可怕的事,所以反而沒在怕吧。
實在走了很久,大家覺得晚上住宿的山屋怎麼還沒到,Ferro 就說是像 Shrek 的 Far Far Away. 那中文應該就「遠得要命山屋」吧。真正到山屋的時候已經快要下午6點了,而且我們還沒有去原本這天行程要去的「八通關草原」,去八通關草原再回來應該要2個小時左右。
We were exhausted. We sat on the bed and waited for the dinner, which was finally ready after 7pm. Shortly after dinner, we tried to go to sleep. It was only 8 o'clock. Nevertheless, some people say they wanted to extend our plan to go further up to the summit of 八通關山. If that's the case, we had to get up at 1:30am in the morning. It would add a 6 hour route to our plan.
It was so hard for me to sleep. I think I managed to sleep earlier in the night. However, I got sometime in the middle of the night and could not go back to sleep. The bed was hard and there were occasional noises in the room. There were about 15 people sleeping in that room. I found that I was easily affected when somebody snored or turned over. I tried various postures but it hurt somewhere on me nobody which way I rest. I felt terrible that I was so tired but I still couldn't sleep.
By the time we were about to get up, I did manage to sleep a bit more. But then it was time to get up and start another long day of walking. It was 4:30am. The guide decided that we wouldn't go for the extended route because we were too tired and walked too slowly. So he woke us up at 4:30am instead. It was a good call because it did take a long time for us to walk. We probably wouldn't finish the extended route on time.
It was dark in the morning, that's when the headlamp is useful. But I brought only a hand-held flashlight. It was less convenient to do things when only one hand was free. So I should have followed their advice and have brought a handlamp instead.
After breakfast, we headed out for the 八通關草原, which we did not reach the previous day.
There are supposed to be 法國菊 there. But we didn't see many. We saw a bit of historical artifact, though.
Then we started heading down the mountain. We walked the same path we came up. So we had to deal with the cliffs again. People were eager to get out of the mountain. We went down faster than we went up. Still, it was a long way. We finally got to our bus at the bottom of the mountain around 3:30pm.
We then went for a hot spring spa. However, I think the best thing was we had a shower. Because we were short of time, we only went in the spa for a few minutes before coming out. It was more like shabu shabu. After that, we had a celebration dinner, then we headed back to Taipei with sore feet.
After all this, I think my previous idea has been validated. We must be irrational, if not somewhat crazy, to put ourselves through that. We walked for about 20 hours in 2 days. We walked for more than 30km. We might be crazy.
風景來說,其實上次 Tongariro Crossing 的風景比較特殊,有雪山,火山口,火山湖等等;這次則是青山綠水,草原瀑布,斷崖。
後來小腿大概酸痛了兩天,下樓梯時特別痛,不過之後就 OK 了。
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