Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Google Calendar

Yes, I'm still busy. Ray and Andy have failed to get me out in the recent weeks. Hopefully it'll be better After the assignments end on Saturday.

Just thought I should come up and leave a short message or something. Just thought of Google Calendar. I've used it for two weeks after one of my assignment partner told me to use it. Yeah, I think it's quite useful for me to plan what's coming in the future. It's also useful to keep a record of what I did. For example, it showed that I worked more than 60 hours last week, so I guess if I still fail, I've at least given it a good shot.

I think the advantage of using a web based calendar is that it's flexible. It's quite easy to change the events. It also lets you share calendars with other people, which is how my assignment partner and I plan for meetings. The disadvantage is that you must be online, you can't take it anywhere. Although you can argue that if you have a mobile device with Internet, then you can use it anywhere. (e.g. how Andy used his 3G phone stuff in Taiwan.)

Oh, a feature I just started using yesterday is that it can send you reminders via SMS messages. I don't know how they can offer that without charge, but it does.

Anyway, have a look on Google if you're interested. If you start using it, I might share with you my calendar with more public plans (which has nearly no plans). Or I might even show you my primary calendar that shows time durations with events but the details are hidden. And you might wonder why I had something until 2:30am Saturday. You'd be wrong if you guess I was anywhere near Margarita.


Anonymous said...

yes, online-and-shareable calendar sounds awesome. But I would suggest one to use it in conjuction with a second calendar that isn't web-based and is mobile. It can be a calendar program on your cellphone, or a software on your notebook, or even just a booklet that fits in your pocket. Though double-worked, you never know when you need to reconfirm existing schedules or make a new schedule.

I tried the built-in calendar on my cellphone before (or should I say,Alice did) as I'm good at forgetting things. But I guess there is no real plus from the calendar if nothing is happening...

PS. 3G online-surfing in New Zealand is far too expensive, no real value unless you are in some kind of an urge or geek enough...

Anonymous said...

just wanna say that I just wrote a logic question on Alice's guestbook that came up in the interview I went today, I think its kinda interesting, come and do it when u have time:P