Saturday, August 04, 2007


上次跟朋友看到 The Bourne Ultimatum 的電影廣告,覺得怪怪的。

中文片名叫 "神鬼認證:最後通牒"。我們想問,認證什麼呀?要怎麼考一張神鬼認證呀?

平面廣告上有這一句 "麥特戴蒙就是傑森包恩",難道 Matt Damon 真實身分是特務嗎?不管,最怪的是"包恩",念起來就是不順。

Bourne 翻成包恩也讓朋友想到 bash 這電腦名詞,全名 Bourne-Again Shell,所以應該叫做 "包恩再次貝殼",哈。

嗯,真是電腦工程師 insider joke 冷笑話的一篇。久違了,好一陣子沒被工程師圍繞了。


Anonymous said...

認證, i think it's coz the first one was called BOURNE IDENTITY. basically he lost his identity and memory and ppl started to chase him and wanted to kill him. So he wanted to find back his identity hence 認證? it's stupid but i am guessing that's the reason for the title.

LC said...

What about the 神鬼 part? What's that prefix about?
