週五跟同事去師大附近吃午餐,選到了一家店名有「印渡」兩字(店名是用這個「渡」)的一家印度咖哩店。We opened the menu and saw a list of Indian curries around the $280~$300 price range. However, we all chose the business lunch which was $150. That was good damage control.
It was a quite a shock to me because my experience had been that Indian curries are relatively inexpensive. Especially my last year in the university, Indian curries at the university food court was quite cheap.
By the time we walked out of the restaurant, someone immediately suggested that we go to eat something else. Obviously we weren’t satisfied. Even the petite girl wasn’t.
So the men then went to eat some 湯圓 nearby. I guess we won’t go to that Indian curry restaurant ever again. The only thing I liked about it was they played some Indian pop music MTVs on the television. That was something new and I found that funny.
Huh? 什麼玩意?珍珠奶茶沒有珍珠?加珍珠加一元?